Treatment & Care

Dental health treatments and tooth care range from braces to dentures, implants, crowns, fluoride, and whiteners. Find out more about dental treatment and care here.


Toothache treatment

What’s the best way to tackle a toothache before you can get to the dentist? 

Teeth whitening: What works and when to say no

From strips to gels to trays, there are many tooth whitening options available. Find out who responds best to whitening, who should avoid it and what each option involves.

Getting the data on dentures

Two types of dentures are available -- complete and partial. Which is appropriate and when? Are there alternatives to dentures? Find out more about dentures.

Braces and retainers: How do they help?

Braces and retainers: How can they help your teeth? Do braces hurt? Are there choices when it comes to braces? Find out what you want to know here.

Dental bonding: Improving your smile

Bonding uses a special plastic to repair and improve the look of teeth. Find out more and whether it is right for you.

Gum disease treatment

From cleaning tips to surgery – there are plenty of ways to fight gum disease.

The facts on fillings

Composites, gold, silver and indirect fillings: Get the facts on how fillings are done, the choices for filling materials, and their pros and cons.

It's like pulling teeth: Wisdom tooth removal

Wisdom teeth often have to go. How do you know if your wisdom teeth need to be removed? How are they removed and what should you do during the first 24 hours? Find out.

Dental lasers: What you want to know

Lasers aren’t yet widely used, but some dentists treat tooth decay and gum disease with them. Learn how lasers work, other conditions they treat, and the pros and cons of their use.

Air Abrasion: Dental care without drills

Air abrasion is a drill-less technique used by some dentists to remove tooth decay. Is air abrasion painless? Get the facts, and learn how air abrasion works, its pros and cons, and more.

Dry mouth treatment

Get tips for dry mouth treatment, how you can manage dry mouth and suggestions for minimising the irritation associated with the condition.


Sometimes it takes more than a simple filling to put things right in your mouth. Find out when oral surgery might be needed.

Gum tissue grafts

A gum graft may be necessary to protect your teeth from the damaging effects of gum recession.